
Exchanged Notes, Regarding Exchanged Notes between Prime Minister Yoshida and Secretary of State Acheson

January 19, 1960


I have the honor to refer the Security Treaty between the United States of America and Japan signed at the city of San Francisco on September 8, 1951, the exchange of notes effected on the same date between Mr. Shigeru Yoshida, Primed Minister of Japan, and Mr. Dean Acheson, Secretary of State of the United States of America and the Agreement Regarding the Status of the United Nations Forces in Japan signed at Tokyo on February 19, 1954, as well as the Treaty lf Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States of America and Japan signed today. It is the understanding of my Government that:

1 前記の交換公文は,日本国における国際連合の軍隊の地位に関する協定が効力を有する間,引き続き効力を有する。
1. The above-mentioned exchange of notes will continue to be in force so long as the Agreement Regarding the Status of the United Nations Forces in Japan remains in force.

2 前記の協定第五条2にいう「日本国とアメリカ合衆国との間の安全保障条約に基いてアメリカ合衆国の使用に供せられている施設及び区域」とは,相互協力及び安全保障条約に基づいてアメリカ合衆国が使用を許される施設及び区域を意味す
2. The expression "those facilities and areas the use of which is provided to the United States of America under the Security Treaty between Japan and the United States of America" in Article V, paragraph 2 of the above-mentioned Agreement is understood to mean the facilities and the areas the use of which is granted to the United States of America under the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security.

3 1950年7月7日の安全保障理事会決議に従つて設置された国際連合統一司令部の下にある合衆国軍隊による施設及び区域の使用並びに同軍隊の日本国における地位は,相互協力及び安全保障条約に従つて行なわれる取極により規律され
3. The use of the Facilities and areas by the United States armed forces under the Unified Command of the United Nations established pursuant to the Security Council Resolution of July 7, 1950, and their status in Japan are governed by arrangements made pursuant to the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security.

Y-A 投稿者:No More Wars)  投稿日: 1月18日(火)16時33分12秒

I should be grateful if Your Excellency could confirm on behalf of your Government that the understanding of my Government stated in
the foregoing numbered paragraph is also the understanding of your Government and that this understanding shall enter into operation on the
date of the entry into force of the Treaty of Mutual cooperation and Security signed at Washington of January 19, 1960.

Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

January 19, 1960

Christian A. Herter
Secretary of State of the United States of America

日本国総理大臣 岸信介閣下

I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency's Note of today's date, which reads as follows:


y-a 投稿者:No More Wars)  投稿日: 1月18日(火)16時32分19秒

"I have the honor to refer to the Security Treaty between the United States of America and Japan signed at the city of San Francisco on September 8, 1951, the exchange of notes effected on the same date between Mr. Shigeru Yoshida, Prime Minister of Japan, and Mr. Dean Acheson, Secretary of State of the United States of America and the Agreement Regarding the Status of the United Nations Forces in Japan signed at Tokyo on February 19, 1954, as well as the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States of America and Japan signed today. It is the understanding of my Government that:

1 前記の交換公文は,日本国における国際連合の軍隊の地位に関する協定が効力を有する間,引き続き効力を有する。
1. The above-mentioned exchange of notes will continue to be in force so long as the Agreement Regarding the Status of the United Nations Forces in Japan remains in force.

2 前記の協定第五条2にいう「日本国とアメリカ合衆国との間の安全保障条約に基いてアメリカ合衆国の使用に供せられている施設及び区域」とは,相互協力及び安全保障条約に基づいてアメリカ合衆国が使用を許される施設及び区域を意味す
2. The expression 'those facilities and areas the use which is provided to the United States of America under the Security Treaty between Japan and the United States of America' in Article V, paragraph 2 of the above-mentioned Agreement is understood to mean the facilities and the areas the use of which is granted to the United States of America under the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security.

3 1950年7月7日の安全保障理事会決議に従つて設置された国際連合統一司令部の下にある合衆国軍隊による施設及び区域の使用並びに同軍隊の日本国における地位は,相互協力及び安全保障条約に従つて行なわれる取極により規律される。
3. The use of the facilities and areas by the United States armed forces under the Unified Command of the United Nations established pursuant to the Security Council Resolution of July 7, 1950, and their status in Japan are geverned by arrangements made pursuant to the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security.

I should be grateful if Your Excellency could confirm on behalf of your Government that the understanding of my Government stated in the
foregoing numbered paragraphs is also the understanding of your Government and that this understanding shall enter into operation on the date of the entry into force of the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security signed at Washington of January 19, 1960."

I have the honour to confirm of behalf of my Government that the foregoing is also the understanding of the Government of Japan.

I avail myself of this opportunity renew to Your Excellency the assurance of my highest consideration.

signed at Washington of January 19, 1960.

Nobusuke Kishi,
Prime Minister of Japan.

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