








  Japan and the United States of America, pursuant to

          Article VI of the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and

          Security between Japan and the United States of America

          signed at Washington on January 19, 1960, have entered

          into this Agreement in terms as set forth below:



                                  ARTICLE I



          In this Agreement the expression-


   (a) 「合衆国軍隊の構成員」とは、日本国の領域にある間におけるアメリカ合



               "members of the United States armed forces" means

               the personnel on active duty belonging to the land,

               sea or air armed services of the United States of

               America when in the Territory of Japan.


    (b) 「軍属」とは、合衆国の国籍を有する文民で日本国にある合衆国軍隊に雇






               "civilian component" means the civilian persons of

               United States nationality who are in the employ of,

               serving with, or accompanying the United States

               armed forces in Japan, but excludes persons who are

               ordinarily resident in Japan or who are mentioned

               in paragraph 1 of Article XIV. For the purposes of

               this Agreement only, dual nationals, Japanese and

               United States, who are brought to Japan by the

               United States shall be considered as United States


    (c) 「家族」とは、次のものをいう。


               "dependents" means


      (1) 配偶者及び二十一才未満の子


               Spouse, and children under 21;


       (2) 父、母及び二十一才以上の子で、その生計費の半額以上を合衆国軍隊



               Parents, and children over 21, if dependent for

               over half their support upon a member of the United

               States armed forces or civilian component.



                                 ARTICLE II


  (a) 合衆国は、相互協力及び安全保障条約第六条の規定に基づき、日本国内の





            1. (a) The United States is granted, under Article VI

               of the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security,

               the use of facilities and areas in Japan.

               Agreements as to specific facilities and areas

               shall be concluded by the two Governments through

               the Joint Committee provided for in Article XXV of

               this Agreement. "Facilities and areas" include

               existing furnishings, equipment and fixtures

               necessary to the operation of such facilities and



    (b) 合衆国が日本国とアメリカ合衆国との間の安全保障条約第三条に基く行政



      (b) The facilities and areas of which the United

               States has the use at the time of expiration of the

               Administrative Agreement under Article III of the

               Security Treaty between Japan and the United States

               of America, shall be considered as facilities and

               areas agreed upon between the two Governments in

               accordance with sub-paragraph (a) above.

 2 日本国政府及び合衆国政府は、いずれか一方の要請があるときは、前記の取極



       2. At the request of either Government, the

               Governments of Japan and the United States shall

               review such arrangements and may agree that such

               facilities and areas shall be returned to Japan or

               that additional facilities and areas may be


 3 合衆国軍隊が使用する施設及び区域は、この協定の目的のため必要でなくなっ



      3. The facilities and areas used by the United States

               armed forces shall be returned to Japan whenever

               they are no longer needed for purposes of this

               Agreement, and the United States agrees to keep the

               needs for facilities and areas under continual

               observation with a view toward such return.


  (a) 合衆国軍隊が施設及び区域を一時的に使用していないときは、日本国政府





            4. (a) When facilities and areas are temporarily not

               being used by the United States armed forces, the

               Government of Japan may make, or permit Japanese

               nationals to make, interim use of such facilities

               and areas provided that it is agreed between the

               two Governments through the Joint Committee that

               such use would not be harmful to the purposes for

               which the facilities and areas are normally used by

               the United States armed forces.


    (b) 合衆国軍隊が一定の期間を限って使用すべき施設及び区域に関しては、合



               (b) With respect to facilities and areas which are

               to be used by United States armed forces for

               limited periods of time, the Joint Committee shall

               specify in the agreements covering such facilities

               and areas the extent to which the provisions of

               this Agreement shall apply.




                                 ARTICLE III


 1 合衆国は、施設及び区域内において、それらの設定、運営、警護及び管理のた







            1. Within the facilities and areas, the United States

               may take all the measures necessary for their

               establishment, operation, safeguarding and control.

               In order to provide access for the United States

               armed forces to the facilities and areas for their

               support, safeguarding and control, the Government

               of Japan shall, at the request of the United States

               armed forces and upon consultation between the two

               Governments through the Joint Committee, take

               necessary measures within the scope of applicable

               laws and regulations over land, territorial waters

               and airspace adjacent to, or in the vicinities of

               the facilities and areas. The United States may

               also take necessary measures for such purposes upon

               consultation between the two Governments through

               the Joint Committee.


 2 合衆国は、1に定める措置を、日本国の領域への、領域からの又は領域内の航







      2. The United States agrees not to take the measures

               referred to in paragraph 1 in such a manner as to

               interfere unnecessarily with navigation, aviation,

               communication, or land travel to or from or within

               the territories of Japan. All questions relating to

               frequencies, power and like matters used by

               apparatus employed by the United States designed to

               emit electric radiation shall be settled by

               arrangement between the appropriate authorities of

               the two Governments. The government of Japan shall,

               within the scope of applicable laws and

               regulations, take all reasonable measures to avoid

               or eliminate interference with telecommunications

               electronics required by the United States armed



 3 合衆国軍隊が使用している施設及び区域における作業は、公共の安全に妥当な


   3. Operations in the facilities and areas in use by

               the United States armed forces shall be carried on

               with due regard for the public safety.




                                 ARTICLE IV


 1 合衆国は、この協定の終了の際又はその前に日本国に施設及び区域を返還する



         1. The United States is not obliged, when it returns

               facilities and areas to Japan on the expiration of

               this Agreement or at an earlier date, to restore

               the facilities and areas to the condition in which

               they were at the time they became available to the

               United States armed forces, or to compensate Japan

               in lieu of such restoration.


 2 日本国は、この協定の終了の際又はその前における施設及び区域の返還の際、



            2. Japan is not obliged to make any compensation to

               the United States for any improvements made in the

               facilities and areas or for the buildings or

               structures left thereon on the expiration of this

               Agreement or the earlier return of the facilities

               and areas.


 3 前項の規定は、合衆国政府が日本国政府との特別取極に基づいて行なう建設に


        3. The foregoing provisions shall not apply to any

               construction which the Government of the United

               States may undertake under special arrangements

               with the Government of Japan.






  1 合衆国及び合衆国以外の国の船舶及び航空機で、合衆国によって、合衆国のために
1        United States and foreign vessels and aircraft operated by, for, or under the control of he United States for official purposes shall be accorded access to any port or airport of Japan free from toll or landing charges. When cargo or passengers not accorded the exemptions of this Agreement are carried on such vessels and aircraft notification shall be given to the appropriate Japanese authorities, and their entry into and departure from Japan shall be according to the laws and regulations of Japan.
  2 1に掲げる船舶及び航空機、合衆国政府所有の車両(機甲車両を含む。)並びに合

2        The vessels and aircraft mentioned in paragraph 1, United States Government-owned vehicles including armor, and members of the United States armed forces, the civilian component, and their dependents shall be accorded access to and movement between facilities and areas in use by the United States armed forces and between such facilities and areas and the ports or airports of Japan. Such access to and movement between facilities and areas by United States military vehicles shall be free from toll and other charges.

  3 1に掲げる船舶が日本国の港に入る場合には、通常の状態においては、日本国の当

3        When the vessels mentioned in paragraph 1 enter Japanese ports, appropriate notification shall, under normal conditions, be made to the proper Japanese authorities. Such vessels shall have freedom from compulsory pilotage, but if a pilot is taken pilotage shall be paid for at appropriate rates.


SEO [PR] 爆速!無料ブログ 無料ホームページ開設 無料ライブ放送


                                 ARTICLE VI


 1 すべての非軍用及び軍用の航空交通管理及び通信の体系は、緊密に協調して発




            1. All civil and military air traffic control and

               communications systems shall be developed in close

               coordination and shall be integrated to the extent

               necessary for fulfillment of collective security

               interests. Procedures, and any subsequent changes

               thereto, necessary to effect this coordination and

               integration will be established by arrangement

               between the appropriate authorities of the two



 2 合衆国軍隊が使用している施設及び区域並びにそれらに隣接し又はそれらの近






          2. Lights and other aids to navigation of vessels and

               aircraft placed or established in the facilities

               and areas in use by United States armed forces and

               in territorial waters adjacent thereto or in the

               vicinity thereof shall conform to the system in use

               in Japan. The Japanese and United States

               authorities which have established such navigation

               aids shall notify each other of their positions and

               characteristics and shall give advance

               notifications before making any changes in them or

               establishing additional navigation aids.



                                 ARTICLE VII






        The United States armed forces shall have the use of all

          public utilities and services belonging to, or

          controlled or regulated by the Government of Japan, and

          shall enjoy priorities in such use, under conditions no

          less favorable than those that may be applicable from

          time to time to the ministries and agencies of the

          Government of Japan.



                                ARTICLE VIII





    (a) 地上及び海上からの気象観測(気象観測船からの観測を含む。)


    (b) 気象資料(気象庁の定期的概報及び過去の資料を含む。)


    (c) 航空機の安全かつ正確な運航のため必要な気象情報を報ずる電気通信業務


    (d) 地震観測の資料(地震から生ずる津波の予想される程度及びその津波の影


          The Government of Japan undertakes to furnish the United

          States armed forces with the following meteorological

          services in accordance with arrangements between the

          appropriate authorities of the two Governments:



               Meteorological observations from land and ocean

               areas including observations from weather ships.


               Climatological information including periodic

               summaries and the historical data of the

               Meteorological Agency.


               Telecommunications service to disseminate

               meteorological information required for the safe

               and regular operation of aircraft.


               Seismographic data including forecasts of the

               estimated size of tidal waves resulting from

               earthquakes and areas that might be affected





                                 ARTICLE IX


 1 この条の規定に従うことを条件として、合衆国は、合衆国軍隊の構成員及び軍


            1. The United States may bring into Japan persons who

               are members of the United States armed forces, the

               civilian component, and their dependents, subject

               to the provisions of this Article.


 2 合衆国軍隊の構成員は、旅券及び査証に関する日本国の法令の適用から除外さ




            2. Members of the United States armed forces shall be

               exempt from Japanese passport and visa laws and

               regulations. Members of the United States armed

               forces, the civilian component, and their

               dependents shall be exempt from Japanese laws and

               regulations on the registration and control of

               aliens, but shall not be considered as acquiring

               any right to permanent residence or domicile in the

               territories of Japan.


 3 合衆国軍隊の構成員は、日本国への入国又は日本国からの出国に当たって、次



    (a) 氏名、生年月日、階級及び番号、軍の区分並びに写真を掲げる身分証明書


    (b) その個人又は集団が合衆国軍隊の構成員として有する地位及び命令された






            3. Upon entry into or departure from Japan members of

               the United States armed forces shall be in

               possession of the following documents:


                    personal identity card showing name, date of

             birth, rank and number, service, and

                    photograph; and


                    individual or collective travel order

                    certifying to the status of the individual or

                    group as a member or members of the United

                    States armed forces and to the travel ordered.

               For purposes of their identification while in

               Japan, members of the United States armed forces

               shall be in possession of the foregoing personal

               identity card which must be presented on request to

               the appropriate Japanese authorities.


 4 軍属、その家族及び合衆国軍隊の構成員の家族は、合衆国の当局が発給した適




            4. Members of the civilian component, their

               dependents, and the dependents of members of the

               United States armed forces shall be in possession

               of appropriate documentation issued by the United

               States authorities so that their status may be

               verified by Japanese authorities upon their entry

               into or departure from Japan, or while in Japan.


 5 1の規定に基づいて日本国に入国した者の身分に変更があってその者がそのよ





            5. If the status of any person brought into Japan

               under paragraph 1 of this Article is altered so

               that he would no longer be entitled to such

               admission, the United States authorities shall

               notify the Japanese authorities and shall, if such

               person be required by the Japanese authorities to

               leave Japan, assure that transportation from Japan

               will be provided within a reasonable time at no

               cost to the Government of Japan.


 6 日本国政府が合衆国軍隊の構成員若しくは軍属の日本国の領域からの送出を要







            6. If the Government of Japan has requested the

               removal from its territory of a member of the

               United States armed forces or civilian component or

               has made an expulsion order against an ex-member of

               the United States armed forces or the civilian

               component or against a dependent of a member or

               ex-member, the authorities of the United States

               shall be responsible for receiving the person



                                  ARTICLE X


 1 日本国は、合衆国が合衆国軍隊の構成員及び軍属並びにそれらの家族に対して




 2 合衆国軍隊及び軍属用の公用車両は、それを容易に識別させる明確な番号標又



 3 合衆国軍隊の構成員及び軍属並びにそれらの家族の私有車両は、日本国民に適




            1. Japan shall accept as valid without a driving test

               or fee, the driving permit or license or military

               driving permit issued by the United States to a

               member of the United States armed forces, the

               civilian component, and their dependents.


            2. Official vehicles of the United States armed forces

               and the civilian component shall carry distinctive

               numbered plates or individual markings which will

               readily identify them.


            3. Privately owned vehicles of members of the United

               States armed forces, the civilian component, and

               their dependents shall carry Japanese number plates

               to be acquired under the same conditions as those

               applicable to Japanese nationals.



                                 ARTICLE XI


 1 合衆国軍隊の構成員及び軍属並びにそれらの家族は、この協定中に規定がある


            1. Save as provided in this Agreement, members of the

               United States armed forces, the civilian component,

               and their dependents shall be subject to the laws

               and regulations administered by the customs

               authorities of Japan.


 2 合衆国軍隊、合衆国軍隊の公認調達機関又は第十五条に定める諸機関が合衆国










            2. All materials, supplies and equipment imported by

               the United States armed forces, the authorized

               procurement agencies of the United States armed

               forces, or by the organizations provided for in

               Article XV, for the official use of the United

               States armed forces or for the use of the members

               of the United States armed forces, the civilian

               component, and their dependents, and materials,

               supplies and equipment which are to be used

               exclusively by the United States armed forces or

               are ultimately to be incorporated into articles or

               facilities used by such forces, shall be permitted

               entry into Japan; such entry shall be free from

               customs duties and other such charges. Appropriate

               certification shall be made that such materials,

               supplies and equipment are being imported by the

               United States armed forces, the authorized

               procurement agencies of the United States armed

               forces, or by the organizations provided for in

               Article XV, or, in the case of materials, supplies

               and equipment to be used exclusively by the United

               States armed forces or ultimately to be

               incorporated into articles or facilities used by

               such forces, that delivery thereof is to be taken

               by the United States armed forces for the purposes

               specified above.


 3 合衆国軍隊の構成員及び軍属並びにそれらの家族に仕向けられ、かつ、これら



            3. Property consigned to and for the personal use of

               members of the United States armed forces, the

               civilian component, and their dependents, shall be

               subject to customs duties and other such charges,

               except that no duties or charges shall be paid with

               respect to:


    (a) 合衆国軍隊の構成員若しくは軍属が日本国で勤務するため最初に到着した





    (b) 合衆国軍隊の構成員又は軍属が自己又はその家族の私用のため輸入する車



    (c) 合衆国軍隊の構成員及び軍属並びにそれらの家族の私用のため合衆国にお




                    Furniture and household goods for their

                    private use imported by the members of the

                    United States armed forces or civilian

                    component when they first arrive to serve in

                    Japan or by their dependents when they first

                    arrive for reunion with members of such forces

                    or civilian component, and personal effects

                    for private use brought by the said persons

                    upon entrance.


                    Vehicles and parts imported by members of the

                    United States armed forces or civilian

                    component for the private use of themselves or

                    their dependents.


                    Reasonable quantities of clothing and

                    household goods of a type which would

                    ordinarily be purchased in the United States

                    for everyday use for the private use of

                    members of the United States armed forces,

                    civilian component, and their dependents,

                    which are mailed into Japan through United

                    States military post offices.



                                 ARTICLE XI


 1 合衆国軍隊の構成員及び軍属並びにそれらの家族は、この協定中に規定がある


            1. Save as provided in this Agreement, members of the

               United States armed forces, the civilian component,

               and their dependents shall be subject to the laws

               and regulations administered by the customs

               authorities of Japan.


 2 合衆国軍隊、合衆国軍隊の公認調達機関又は第十五条に定める諸機関が合衆国










            2. All materials, supplies and equipment imported by

               the United States armed forces, the authorized

               procurement agencies of the United States armed

               forces, or by the organizations provided for in

               Article XV, for the official use of the United

               States armed forces or for the use of the members

               of the United States armed forces, the civilian

               component, and their dependents, and materials,

               supplies and equipment which are to be used

               exclusively by the United States armed forces or

               are ultimately to be incorporated into articles or

               facilities used by such forces, shall be permitted

               entry into Japan; such entry shall be free from

               customs duties and other such charges. Appropriate

               certification shall be made that such materials,

               supplies and equipment are being imported by the

               United States armed forces, the authorized

               procurement agencies of the United States armed

               forces, or by the organizations provided for in

               Article XV, or, in the case of materials, supplies

               and equipment to be used exclusively by the United

               States armed forces or ultimately to be

               incorporated into articles or facilities used by

               such forces, that delivery thereof is to be taken

               by the United States armed forces for the purposes

               specified above.


 3 合衆国軍隊の構成員及び軍属並びにそれらの家族に仕向けられ、かつ、これら



            3. Property consigned to and for the personal use of

               members of the United States armed forces, the

               civilian component, and their dependents, shall be

               subject to customs duties and other such charges,

               except that no duties or charges shall be paid with

               respect to:


    (a) 合衆国軍隊の構成員若しくは軍属が日本国で勤務するため最初に到着した





    (b) 合衆国軍隊の構成員又は軍属が自己又はその家族の私用のため輸入する車



    (c) 合衆国軍隊の構成員及び軍属並びにそれらの家族の私用のため合衆国にお




                    Furniture and household goods for their

                    private use imported by the members of the

                    United States armed forces or civilian

                    component when they first arrive to serve in

                    Japan or by their dependents when they first

                    arrive for reunion with members of such forces

                    or civilian component, and personal effects

                    for private use brought by the said persons

                    upon entrance.


                    Vehicles and parts imported by members of the

                    United States armed forces or civilian

                    component for the private use of themselves or

                    their dependents.


                    Reasonable quantities of clothing and

                    household goods of a type which would

                    ordinarily be purchased in the United States

                    for everyday use for the private use of

                    members of the United States armed forces,

                    civilian component, and their dependents,

                    which are mailed into Japan through United

                    States military post offices.