
                                 ARTICLE XII


 1 合衆国は、この協定の目的のため又はこの協定で認められるところにより日本国で供給されるべき需品又は行なわれるべき工事のため、供給者又は工事を行なう者の選択に関して制限を受けないで契約することができる。そのような需品又は工:Century;mso-hansi-font-family:Century'>事は、また、両政府の当局間で合意されるときは、日本国政府を通じて調達するこ


            1. The United States may contract for any supplies or

               construction work to be furnished or undertaken in

               Japan for purposes of, or authorized by, this

               Agreement, without restriction as to choice of

               supplier or person who does the construction work.

               Such supplies or construction work may, upon

               agreement between the appropriate authorities of

               the two Governments, also be procured through the

               Government of Japan.


 2 現地で供給される合衆国軍隊の維持のため必要な資材、需品、備品及び役務でその調達が日本国の経済に不利な影響を及ぼすおそれがあるものは、日本国の権限のある当局との調整の下に、また、望ましいときは日本国の権限のある当局を通じて又はその援助を得て、調達しなければならない。

            2. Materials, supplies, equipment and services which

               are required from local sources for the maintenance

               of the United States armed forces and the

               procurement of which may have an adverse effect on

               the economy of Japan shall be procured in

               coordination with, and, when desirable, through or

               with the assistance of, the competent authorities

               of Japan.


 3 合衆国軍隊又は合衆国軍隊の公認調達機関が適当な証明書を附して日本国で公用のため調達する資材、需品、備品及び役務は、日本の次の租税を免除される。


    (a) 物品税


    (b) 通行税


    (c) 揮発油税


    (d) 電気ガス税

            3. Materials, supplies, equipment and services

               procured for official purposes in Japan by the

               United States armed forces, or by authorized

               procurement agencies of the United States armed

               forces upon appropriate certification shall be

               exempt from the following Japanese taxes:


                    (a) Commodity tax


                    (b) Travelling tax


                    (c) Gasoline tax


                    (d) Electricity and gas tax.





                    Materials, supplies, equipment and services

               procured for ultimate use by the United States

               armed forces shall be exempt from commodity and

               gasoline taxes upon appropriate certification by

               the United States armed forces. With respect to any

               present or future Japanese taxes not specifically

               referred to in this Article which might be found to

               constitute a significant and readily identifiable

               part of the gross purchase price of materials,

               supplies, equipment and services procured by the

               United States armed forces or for ultimate use by

               such forces, the two Governments will agree upon a

               procedure for granting such exemption or relief

               therefrom as is consistent with the purposes of

               this Article.



                                ARTICLE XIII

 1 合衆国軍隊は、合衆国軍隊が日本国において保有し、使用し、又は移転する財産について租税又は類似の公課を課されない。


            1. The United States armed forces shall not be subject

               to taxes or similar charges on property held, used

               or transferred by such forces in Japan.


 2 合衆国軍隊の構成員及び軍属並びにそれらの家族は、これらの者が合衆国軍隊に勤務し、又は合衆国軍隊若しくは第十五条に定める諸機関に雇用された結果受ける所得について、日本国政府又は日本国にあるその他の課税権者に日本の租税を納付する義務を負わない。この条の規定は、これらの者に対し、日本国の源泉から生ずる所得についての日本の租税の納付を免除するものではなく、また、合衆国の所得税のために日本国に居所を有することを申し立てる合衆国市民に対し、所得についての日本の租税の納付を免除するものではない。これらの者が合衆国軍隊の構成員若しくは軍属又はそれらの家族であるという理由のみによって日本国にある期間>は、日本の租税の賦課上、日本国に居所又は住所を有する期間とは認めない。

            2. Members of the United States armed forces, the

               civilian component, and their dependents shall not

               be liable to pay any Japanese taxes to the

               Government of Japan or to any other taxing agency

               in Japan on income received as a result of their

               service with or employment by the United States

               armed forces, or by the organizations provided for

               in Article XV. The provisions of this Article do

               not exempt such persons from payment of Japanese

               taxes on income derived from Japanese sources, nor

               do they exempt United States citizens who for

               United States income tax purposes claim Japanese

               residence from payment of Japanese taxes on income.

               Periods during which such persons are in Japan

               solely by reason of being members of the United

               States armed forces, the civilian component, or

               their dependents shall not be considered as periods

               of residence or domicile in Japan for the purpose

               of Japanese taxation.



 3 合衆国軍隊の構成員及び軍属並びにそれらの家族は、これらの者が一時的に日本国にあることのみに基づいて日本国に所在する有体又は無体の動産の保有、使用、これらの者相互間の移転又は死亡による移転についての日本国における租税を免除される。ただし、この免除は、投資若しくは事業を行なうため日本国において保有される財産又は日本国において登録された無体財産権には適用しない。この条の規定は、私有車両による道路の使用について納付すべき租税の免除を与える義務を定めるものではない。

            3. Members of the United States armed forces, the

               civilian component, and their dependents shall be

               exempt from taxation in Japan on the holding, use,

               transfer inter se or transfer by death of movable

               property, tangible or intangible, the presence of

               which in Japan is due solely to the temporary

               presence of these persons in Japan, provided that

               such exemption shall not apply to property held for

               the purpose of investment or the conduct of

               business in Japan or to any intangible property

               registered in Japan. There is no obligation under

               this Article to grant exemption from taxes payable

               in respect of the use of roads by private vehicles.


Article 14

1 通常合衆国に居住する人(合衆国の法律に基づいて組織された法人を含む。)及びその被用者で,合衆国軍隊のための合衆国との契約の履行のみを目的として日本国にあり,かつ,合衆国政府が2の規定に従い指定するものは,この条に規定がある場合を除くほか,日本国の法令に服さなければならない。
1. Persons, including corporations organized under the laws of the United States, and their employees who are ordinarily resident in the United States and whose presence in Japan is solely for the purpose of executing contracts with the United States for the benefit of the United States armed forces, and who are designated by the Government of the United States in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 below, shall, except as provided in this Article, be subject to the laws and regulations of Japan.

2 1にいう指定は,日本国政府との協議の上で行なわれるものとし,かつ,安全上の考慮,関係業者の技術上の適格要件,合衆国の標準に合致する資材若しくは役務の欠如又は合衆国の法令上の制限のため競争入札を実施することができない場合に限り行なわれるものとする。
 (a) 合衆国軍隊のための合衆国との契約の履行が終わつたとき。
 (b) それらの者が日本国において合衆国軍隊関係の事業活動以外の事業活動に従事していることが立証されたとき。
 (c) それらの者が日本国で違法とされる活動を行なつているとき。
2 . The designation referred to in paragraph 1 above shall be made upon consultration with the Government of Japan and shall be restricted to cases where open competitive bidding is not practicable due to security considerations, to the technical qualifications of the contractors involved, or to the unavailability of materials or services required by United States standards, or to limitations of United States law.
The designation shall be withdrawn by the Government of the United States:
(a) upon completion of contracts with the United States for the United States armed forces;
(b) upon proof that such persons are engaged in business activities in Japan other than those pertaining to the United States armed forces; or (c) when such persons are engaged in practices illegal in Japan.


3 前記の人及びその被用者は、その身分に関する合衆国の当局の証明があるときは、この協定による次の利益を与えられる。

            3. Upon certification by appropriate United States

               authorities as to their identity, such persons and

               their employees shall be accorded the following

               benefits of this Agreement:


    (a) 第五条2に定める出入及び移動の権利


    (b) 第九条の規定による日本国への入国


    (c) 合衆国軍隊の構成員及び軍属並びにそれらの家族について第十一条3に定める関税その他の課徴金の免除


    (d) 合衆国政府により認められたときは、第十五条に定める諸機関の役務を利用する権利


    (e) 合衆国軍隊の構成員及び軍属並びにそれらの家族について第十九条2に定めるもの


    (f) 合衆国政府により認められたときは、第二十条に定めるところにより軍票を使用する権利


    (g) 第二十一条に定める郵便施設の利用


    (h) 雇用の条件に関する日本国の法令の適用からの除外

                    (a) Rights of accession and movement, as

                    provided for in Article V, paragraph 2;


                    (b) Entry into Japan in accordance with the

                    provisions of Article IX;


                    (c) The exemption from customs duties, and

                    other such charges provided for in Article XI,

                    paragraph 3, for members of the United States

                    armed forces, the civilian component, and

                    their dependents;


                    (d) If authorized by the Government of the

                    United States, the right to use the services

                    of the organizations provided for in Article


                    (e) Those provided for in Article XIX,

                    paragraph 2, for members of the armed forces

                    of the United States, the civilian component,

                    and their dependents;


                    (f) If authorized by the Government of the

                    United States, the right to use military

                    payment certificates, as provided for in

                    Article XX;


                    (g)The use of postal facilities provided for

                    in Article XXI;


                    (h) Exemption from the laws and regulations of

                    Japan with respect to terms and conditions of



 4 前記の人及びその被用者は、その身分の者であることが旅券に記載されていなければならず、その到着、出発及び日本国にある間の居所は、合衆国軍隊が日本国の当局に随時に通告しなければならない。

            4. Such persons and their employees shall be so

               described in their passports and their arrival,

               departure and their residence while in Japan shall

               from time to time be notified by the United States

               armed forces to the Japanese authorities.


 5 前記の人及びその被用者が1に掲げる契約の履行のためにのみ保有し、使用し、又は移転する減価償却資産(家屋を除く。)については、合衆国軍隊の権限のある官憲の証明があるときは、日本の租税又は類似の公課を課されない。

            5. Upon certification by an authorized officer of the

               United States armed forces, depreciable assets

               except houses, held, used, or transferred, by such

               persons and their employees exclusively for the

               execution of contracts referred to in paragraph 1

               shall not be subject to taxes or similar charges of



6 前記の人及びその被用者は,合衆国軍隊の権限のある官憲の証明があるときは,これらの者が一時的に日本国にあることのみに基づいて日本国に所在する有体又は無体の動産の保有,使用,死亡による移転又はこの協定に基づいて租税の免除を受ける権利を有する人若しくは機関への移転についての日本国における租税を免除される。ただし,この免除は,投資のため若しくは他の事業を行なうため日本国において保有される財産又は日本国において登録された無体財産権には適用しない。この条の規定は,私有車両による道路の使用について納付すべき租税の免除を与える義務を定めるものではない。
6. Upon certiflcation by an authorized officer of the United States armed forces, such persons and their employees shall be exempt from taxation in Japan on the holding, use, transfer by death, or transfer to persons or agencies entitled to tax exemption under this Agreement, of movable property, tangible or intangible, the presence of which in Japan is due solely to the temporary presence of these persons in Japan, provided that such exemption shall not apply to property held for the purpose of investment or the conduct of other business in Japan or to any intangible property registered in Japan. There is no obligation under this Article to grant exemption from taxes payable in respect of the use of roads by private vehicles.

7 1に掲げる人及びその被用者は,この協定に定めるいずれかの施設又は区域の建設,維持又は運営に関して合衆国政府と合衆国において結んだ契約に基づいて発生する所得について,日本国政府又は日本国にあるその他の課税権者に所得税又は法人税を納付する義務を負わない。この項の規定は,これらの者に対し,日本国の源泉から生ずる所得についての所得税又は法人税の納付を免除するものではく,また,合衆国の所得税のために日本国に居所を有することを申し立てる前記の人及びその被用者に対し,所得についての日本の租税の納付を免除するものではない。これらの者が合衆国政府との契約の履行に関してのみ日本国にある期間は,前記の租税の賦課上,日本国に居所又は住所を有する期間とは認めない。
7. The persons and their employees referred to in paragraph 1 shall not be liable to pay income or corporation taxes to the Government of Japan or to any other taxing agency in Japan on any income derived under a contract made in the United States with the Government of the United States in connection with the construction, maintenance or operation of any of the facilities or areas covered by this Agreement. The provisions of this paragraph do not exempt such persons from payment of income or corporation taxes on income derived from Japanese sources, nor do they exempt such persons and their employees who, for United States income tax purposes, claim Japanese residence, from payment of Japanese taxes on income. Periods during which such persons are in Japan solely in connection with the execution of a contract with the Government of the United States shall not be considered periods of residence or domicile in Japan for the purposes of such taxation.

8 日本国の当局は,1に掲げる人及びその被用者に対し,日本国において犯す罪で日本国の法令によって罰することができるものについて裁判権を行使する第1次の権利を有する。日本国の当局が前記の裁判権を行使しないことに決定した場合には,日本国の当局は,できる限りすみやかに合衆国の軍当局にその旨を通告しなければならない。この通告があつたときは,合衆国の軍当局は,これらの者に対し,合衆国の法令により与えられた裁判権を行使する権利を有する。
8. Japanese authorities shall have the primary right to exercise jurisdiction over the persons and their employees referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article in relation to offenses committed in Japan and punishable by the law of Japan. In those cases in which the Japanese authorities decide not to exercise such jurisdiction they shall notify the military authorities of the United States as soon as possible. Upon such notification the military authorities of the United States shall have the right to exercise such jurisdiction over the persons referred to as is conferred on them by the law of the United States.

Article 15

1(a) 合衆国の軍当局が公認し,かつ,規制する海軍販売所,ピー・エックス,食堂,社交クラブ,劇場,新聞その他の歳出外資金による諸機関は,合衆国軍隊の構成員及び軍属並びにそれらの家族の利用に供するため,合衆国軍隊が使用している施設及び区域内に設置することができる。これらの諸機関は,この協定に別段の定めがある場合を除くほか,日本の規制,免許,手数料,租税又は類似の管理に服さない。
1.(a) Navy exchanges, post exchanges, messes, social clubs, theaters, newspapers and other non-appropriated fund organizations authorized and regulated by the United States military authorities may be established in the facilities and areas in use by the United States armed forces for the use of members of such forces, the civilian component, and their dependents. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, such organizations shall not be subject to Japanese regulations, license, fees, taxes or similar controls.




                    When a newspaper authorized and regulated military authorities is sold to the general public, it shall be subject to Japanese regulations, license, fees, taxes or similar controls so far as such circulation is concerned.


 2 これらの諸機関による商品及び役務の販売には、1に定める場合を除くほか、日本の租税を課さず、これらの諸機関による商品及び需品の日本国内における購入には、日本の租税を課する。

            2. No Japanese tax shall be imposed on sales of

               merchandise and services by such organizations,

               except as provided in paragraph 1 (b), but

               purchases within Japan of merchandise and supplies

               by such organizations shall be subject to Japanese



 3 これらの諸機関が販売する物品は、日本国及び合衆国の当局が相互間で合意する条件に従って処分を認める場合を除くほか、これらの諸機関から購入することを認められない者に対して日本国内で処分してはならない。

            3. Except as such disposal may be authorized by the

               Japanese and United States authorities in

               accordance with mutually agreed conditions, goods

               which are sold by such organizations shall not be

               disposed of in Japan to persons not authorized to

               make purchases from such organizations.


 4 この条に掲げる諸機関は、日本国の当局に対し、日本国の税法が要求するところにより資料を提供するものとする。

            4. The organizations referred to in this Article shall

               provide such information to the Japanese

               authorities as is required by Japanese tax




                                 ARTICLE XVI




               It is the duty of members of the United States

               armed forces, the civilian component, and

               their dependents to respect the law of Japan

               and to abstain from any activity inconsistent

               with the spirit of this Agreement, and, in

               particular, from any political activity in





                                ARTICLE XVII


 1 この条の規定に従うことを条件として、合衆国の軍当局は、合衆国の軍法に服するすべての者に対し、合衆国の法令により与えられたすべての刑事及び懲戒の裁判権を日本国において行使する権利を有する。


    (b) 日本国の当局は、合衆国軍隊の構成員及び軍属並びにそれらの家族に対し、日本国の領域内で犯す罪で日本国の法令によって罰することができるものについて、裁判権を有する。


            1. Subject to the provisions of this Article,


                    the military authorities of the United States

                    shall have the right to exercise within Japan

                    all criminal and disciplinary jurisdiction

                    conferred on them by the law of the United

                    States over all persons subject to the

                    military law of the United States;


                    the authorities of Japan shall have

                    jurisdiction over the members of the United

                    States armed forces, the civilian component,

                    and their dependents with respect to offenses

                    committed within the territory of Japan and

                    punishable by the law of Japan.


  (a) 合衆国の軍当局は、合衆国の軍法に服する者に対し、合衆国の法令によって罰することができる罪で日本国の法令によっては罰することができないもの(合衆国の安全に関する罪を含む。)について、専属的裁判権を行使する権利を有する。


    (b) 日本国の当局は、合衆国軍隊の構成員及び軍属並びにそれらの家族に対し、日本国の法令によって罰することができる罪で合衆国の法令によっては罰することができないもの(日本国の安全に関する罪を含む。)について、専属的裁判権を行使する権利を有する。


    (c) 2及び3の規定の適用上、国の安全に関する罪は、次のものを含む。


       () 当該国に対する反逆


       () 妨害行為(サボタージュ)、謀報行為又は当該国の公務上若しくは国防上の秘密に関する法令の違反

            2. (a)

                    The military authorities of the United States

                    shall have the right to exercise exclusive

                    jurisdiction over persons subject to the

                    military law of the United States with respect

                    to offenses, including offenses relating to

                    its security, punishable by the law of the

                    United States, but not by the law of Japan.


                    The authorities of Japan shall have the right

                    to exercise exclusive jurisdiction over

                    members of the United States armed forces, the

                    civilian component, and their dependents with

                    respect to offenses, including offenses

                    relating to the security of Japan, punishable

                    by its law but not by the law of the United



                    For the purposes of this paragraph and of

                    paragraph 3 of this Article a security offense

                    against a State shall include


                    treason against the State;


                    sabotage, espionage or violation of any law

                    relating to official secrets of that State, or

                    secrets relating to the national defense of

                    that State.



 3 裁判権を行使する権利が競合する場合には、次の規定が適用される。


    (a) 合衆国の軍当局は、次の罪については、合衆国軍隊の構成員又は軍属に対して裁判権を行使する第一次の権利を有する。


       () もっばら合衆国の財産若しくは安全のみに対する罪又はもっばら合衆国軍隊の他の構成員若しくは軍属若しくは合衆国軍隊の構成員若しくは軍属の家族の身体若しくは財産のみに対する罪


       () 公務執行中の作為又は不作為から生ずる罪その他の罪については、日本国の当局が、裁判権を行使する第一次の権利を有する。


    (c) 第一次の権利を有する国は、裁判権を行使しないことに決定したときはできる限りすみやかに他方の国の当局にその旨を通告しなければならない。第一次の権利を有する国の当局は、他方の国がその権利の放棄を特に重要であると認めた場合において、その他方の国の当局から要請があったときは、その要請に好意的考慮を払わなければならない。

            3. In cases where the right to exercise jurisdiction

               is concurrent the following rules shall apply:



                    The military authorities of the United States

                    shall have the primary right to exercise

                    jurisdiction over members of the United States

                    armed forces or the civilian component in

                    relation to


                    offenses solely against the property or

                    security of the United States, or offenses

                    solely against the person or property of

                    another member of the United States armed

                    forces or the civilian component or of a



                    offenses arising out of any act or omission

                    done in the performance of official duty.


                    In the case of any other offense the

                    authorities of Japan shall have the primary

                    right to exercise jurisdiction.


                    If the State having the primary right decides

                    not to exercise jurisdiction, it shall notify

                    the authorities of the other State as soon as

                    practicable. The authorities of the State

                    having the primary right shall give

                    sympathetic consideration to a request from

                    the authorities of the other State for a

                    waiver of its right in cases where that other

                    State considers such waiver to be of particular importance.


 4 前諸項の規定は、合衆国の軍当局が日本国民又は日本国に通常居住する者に対し裁判権を行使する権利を有することを意味するものではない。ただし、それらの者が合衆国軍隊の構成員であるときは、この限りでない。

            4. The foregoing provisions of this Article shall not

               imply any right for the military authorities of the

               United States to exercise jurisdiction over persons

               who are nationals of or ordinarily resident in

               Japan, unless they are members of the United States

               armed forces.


  (a) 日本国の当局及び合衆国の軍当局は、日本国の領域内における合衆国軍隊の構成員若しくは軍属又はそれらの家族の逮捕及び前諸項の規定に従って裁判権を行使すべき当局へのそれらの者の引渡しについて、相互に援助しなければならない。


    (b) 日本国の当局は、合衆国の軍当局に対し、合衆国軍隊の構成員若しくは軍属又はそれらの家族の逮捕についてすみやかに通告しなければならない。


    (c) 日本国が裁判権を行使すべき合衆国軍隊の構成員又は軍属たる被疑者の拘禁は、その者の身柄が合衆国の手中にあるときは、日本国により公訴が提起されるまでの間、合衆国が引き続き行なうものとする。

            5. (a)

                    The authorities of Japan and the military

                    authorities of the United States shall assist

                    each other in the arrest of members of the

                    United States armed forces, the civilian

                    component, or their dependents in the

                    territory of Japan and in handing them over to

                    the authority which is to exercise

                    jurisdiction in accordance with the above



                    The authorities of Japan shall notify promptly

                    the military authorities of the United States

                    of the arrest of any member of the United

                    States armed forces, the civilian component,

                    or a dependent.


                    The custody of an accused member of the United

                    States armed forces or the civilian component

                    over whom Japan is to exercise jurisdiction shall, if he is in the hands of the United States, remain with the United States until he is charged by Japan.



  (a) 日本国の当局及び合衆国の軍当局は、犯罪についてのすべての必要な捜査の実施並びに証拠の収集及び提出(犯罪に関連する物件の押収及び相当な場合にはその引渡しを含む。)について、相互に援助しなければならない。ただし、それらの物件の引渡しは、引渡しを行なう当局が定める期間内に還付されることを条件として行なうことができる。


    (b) 日本国の当局及び合衆国の軍当局は、裁判権を行使する権利が競合するすべての事件の処理について、相互に通告しなければならない。

            6. (a)

                    The authorities of Japan and the military

                    authorities of the United States shall assist

                    each other in the carrying out of all

                    necessary investigations into offenses, and in

                    the collection and production of evidence,

                    including the seizure and, in proper cases,

                    the handing over of objects connected with an

                    offense. The handing over of such objects may,

                    however, be made subject to their return

                    within the time specified by the authority

                    delivering them.


                    The authorities of Japan and the military

                    authorities of the United States shall notify

                    each other of the disposition of all cases in

                    which there are concurrent rights to exercise



    (a) 死刑の判決は、日本国の法制が同様の場合に死刑を規定していない場合には、合衆国の軍当局が日本国内で執行してはならない。


    (b) 日本国の当局は、合衆国の軍当局がこの条の規定に基づいて日本国の領域内で言い渡した自由刑の執行について合衆国の軍当局から援助の要請があっときは、その要請に好意的考慮を払わなければならない。

            7. (a)

                    A death sentence shall not be carried out in

                    Japan by the military authorities of the

                    United States if the legislation of Japan does

                    not provide for such punishment in a similar



                    The authorities of Japan shall give

                    sympathetic consideration to a request from

                    the military authorities of the United States

                    for assistance in carrying out a sentence of

                    imprisonment pronounced by the military

                    authorities of the United States under the

                    provisions of this Article within the

                    territory of Japan.


 8 被告人がこの条の規定に従って日本国の当局又は合衆国の軍当局のいずれかにより裁判を受けた場合において、無罪の判決を受けたとき、又は有罪の判決を受けて服役しているとき、服役したとき、若しくは赦免されたときは、他方の国の当局は、日本国の領域内において同一の犯罪について重ねてその者を裁判してはならない。ただし、この項の規定は、合衆国の軍当局が合衆国軍隊の構成員を、その者が日本国の当局により裁判を受けた犯罪を構成した作為又は不作為から生ずる軍紀違反について、裁判することを妨げるものではない。

            8. Where an accused has been tried in accordance with

               the provisions of this Article either by the

               authorities of Japan or the military authorities of

               the United States and has been acquitted, or has

               been convicted and is serving, or has served, his

               sentence or has been pardoned, he may not be tried

               again for the same offense within the territory of

               Japan by the authorities of the other State.

               However, nothing in this paragraph shall prevent

               the military authorities of the United States from

               trying a member of its armed forces for any

               violation of rules of discipline arising from an

               act or omission which constituted an offense for

               which he was tried by the authorities of Japan.


 9 合衆国軍隊の構成員若しくは軍属又はそれらの家族は、日本国の裁判権に基づいて公訴を提起された場合
9. Whenever a member of the United States forces, the civilian component or a dependent is prosecuted under the jurisdiction of Japan he shall be entitled:
(a) 遅滞なく迅速な裁判を受ける権利
(a) to a prompt and speedy trial;
(b) 公判前に自己に対する具体的な訴因の通知を受ける権利
(b) to be informed, in advance of trial, of the specific charge or charges made against him;
(c) 自己に不利な証人と対決する権利
(c) to be confronted with the witnesses against him;
(d) 証人が日本国の管轄内にあるときは、自己のために強制的手続により証人を求める権利
(d) to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, if they are within the jurisdiction of Japan;
(e) 自己の弁護のため自己の選択する弁護人をもつ権利又は日本国でその当時通常行なわれている条件に基づき費用を要しないで若しくは費用の補助を受けて弁護人をもつ権利
(e) to have legal representation of his own choice for his defense or to have free or assisted legal representation under the conditions prevailing for the time being in Japan;
(f) 必要と認めたときは、有能な通訳を用いる権利
(f) if he considers it necessary, to have the services of a competent interpreter; and
(g) 合衆国の政府の代表者と連絡する権利及び自己の裁判にその代表者を立ち会わせる権利
(g) to communicate with a representative of the Government of the United States and to have such a representative present at his trial.


10 (a) 合衆国軍隊の正規に編成された部隊又は編成隊は、第二条の規定に基づき使用する施設及び区域において警察権を行なう権利を有する。合衆国軍隊の軍事警察は、それらの施設及び区域において、秩序及び安全の維持を確保するためすべての適当な措置を執ることができる。


    (b) 前記の施設及び区域の外部においては、前記の軍事警察は、必ず日本国の当局との取極に従うことを条件とし、かつ、日本国の当局と連絡して使用されるものとし、その使用は、合衆国軍隊の構成員の間の規律及び秩序の維持のため必要な範囲内に限るものとする。

           10. (a)

                    Regularly constituted military units or

                    formations of the United States armed forces

                    shall have the right to police any facilities

                    or areas which they use under Article II of

                    this Agreement. The military police of such

                    forces may take all appropriate measures to

                    ensure the maintenance of order and security

                    within such facilities and areas.


                    Outside these facilities and areas, such

                    military police shall be employed only subject

                    to arrangements with the authorities of Japan

                    and in liaison with those authorities, and in

                    so far as such employment is necessary to

                    maintain discipline and order among the

                    members of the United States armed forces.


 11 相互協力及び安全保障条約第五条の規定が適用される敵対行為が生じた場合には、日本国政府及び合衆国政府のいずれの一方も、他方の政府に対し六十日前に予告を与えることによって、この条のいずれの規定の適用も停止させる権利を有する。この権利が行使されたときは、日本国政府及び合衆国政府は、適用を停止される規定に代わるべき適当な規定を合意する目的をもって直ちに協議しなければならない。

           11. In the event of hostilities to which the provisions

               of Article V of the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation

               and Security apply, either the Government of Japan

               or the Government of the United States shall have

               the right, by giving sixty days' notice to the

               other, to suspend the application of any of the

               provisions of this Article. If this right is exercised, the Governments of Japan and the United States shall immediately consult with a view to agreeing on suitable provisions to replace the provisions suspended.


 12 この条の規定はこの協定の効力発生前に犯したいかなる罪にも適用しない。それらの事件に対しては、日本国とアメリカ合衆国と間の安全保障条約第三条に基く行政協定第十七条の当該時に存在した規定を適用する。


           12. The provisions of this Article shall not apply to

               any offences committed before the entry into force

               of this Agreement. Such cases shall be governed by

               the provisions of Article XVII of the

               Administrative Agreement under Article III of the

               Security Treaty between Japan and the United States

               of America as it existed at the relevant time.





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