Article 18
1 各当事国は,自国が所有し,かつ,自国の陸上,海上又は航空の防衛隊が使用する財産に対する損害については,次の場合には,他方の当事国に対するすべての請求権を放棄する。
 (a) 損害が他方の当事国の防衛隊の構成員又は被用者によりその者の公務の執行中に生じた場合
 (b) 損害が他方の当事国が所有する車両,船舶又は航空機でその防空機でその防衛隊が使用するものの使用から生じた場合。ただし,損害を与えた車両,船舶若しくは航空機が公用のため使用されていたとき,又は損害が公用のためされている財産に生じたときに限る。
1. Each Party waives all its claims against the other Party for damage to any property owned by it and used by its land, sea or air defense services, if such damage
(a) was caused by a member or an employee of the defense services of the other Party in the performance of his official duties; or
(b) arose from the use of any vehicle, vessel or aircraft owned by the other Party and used by its defense services, provided either that the vehicle, vessel or aircraft causing the damage was being used for official purposes, or that the damage was caused to property being so used.
Claims for maritime salvage by one Party against the other Party shall be waived, provided that the vessel or cargo salved was owned by a Party and being used by its defense services for official purposes.

2(a) いずれか一方の当事国が所有するその他の財産で日本国内にあるものに対して1に掲げるようにして損害が生じた場合には,両政府が別段の合意をしない限り,(b)の規定に従つて選定される一人の仲裁人が,他方の当事国の責任の問題を決定し,及び損害の額を査定する。仲裁人は,また,同一の事件から生ずる反対の請求を裁定する。
 (b) (a)に掲げる仲裁人は,両政府間の合意によつて,司法関係の上級の地位を現に有し,又は有したことがある日本国民の中から選定する。
 (c) 仲裁人が行なつた裁定は,両当事国に対して拘束力を有する最終的のものとする。
 (d) 仲裁人が裁定した賠償の額は,5(e)(i),(ii)及び(iii)の規定に従つて分担される。
 (e) 仲裁人の報酬は,両政府間の合意によつて定め,両政府が,仲裁人の任務の遂行に伴う必要な費用とともに,均等の割合で支払う。
 (f) もつとも,各当事国は,いかなる場合においても千四百合衆国ドル又は五十万四千円までの額については,その請求権を放棄する。これらの通貨の間の為替相場に著しい変動があつた場合には,両政府は,前記の額の適当な調整について合意するものとする。
2.(a) In the case of damage caused or arising as stated in paragraph 1 to other property owned by either Party and located in Japan, issue of the liability of the other Party shall be determined and the amount of damage shall be assessed, unless the two Governments agree otherwise, by a sole arbitrator selected in accordance with subparagraph (b) of this paragraph. The arbitrator shall also decide any counter-claims arising out of the same incident.
(b) The arbitrator referred to in subparagraph (a) above shall be selected by agreement between the two Governments from among the nationals of Japan who hold or have held high judicial office.
(c) Any decision taken by the arbitrator shall be binding and conclusive upon the Parties.
(d) The amount of any compensation awarded by the arbitrator shall be distributed in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 5 (e) (i), (ii) and (iii) of this Article.
(e) The compensation of the arbitrator shall be fixed by agreement between the two Governments and shall together with the necessary expenses incidental to the performance of his duties, be defrayed in equal proportions by them.
(f) Nevertheless, each Party waives its claim in any such case up to the amount of 1,400 United States dollars or 504,000 yen. In the case of considerable variation in the rate of exchange between these currencies the two Governments shall agree on the appropriate adjustments of these amounts.

3 1及び2の規定の適用上,船舶について,「当事国が所有する」というときは,その当事国が裸用船した船舶,裸の条件で徴発した船舶又は拿捕した船舶を含む。ただし,損失の危険又は責任が当該当事国以外の者によつて負担される範囲については,この限りでない。
3 . For the purposes of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article the expression "owned by a Party" in the case of a vessel includes a vessel on bare boat charter to that Party or requisitioned by it on bare boat terms or seized by it in prize (except to the extent that the risk of loss or liability is borne by some person other than such Party).

4 各当事国は,自国の防衛隊の構成員がその公務の執行に従事している間に放つた負傷又は死亡については,他方の当事国に対するすべての請求権を放棄する。
4. Each Party waives all its claims against the other Party for injury or death suffered by any member of its defense services while such member was engaged in the performance of his official duties.

5 公務執行中の合衆国軍隊の構成員若しくは被用者の作為若しくは不作為又は合衆国軍隊が法律上責任を有するその他の作為,不作為若しくは事故で,日本国において日本国政府以外の第三者に損害を与えたものから生ずる請求権(契約による請求権及び6又は7の規定の適用を受ける請求権を除く。)は,日本国が次の規定に従つて処理する。
5. Claims(other than contractual claims and those to which paragraphs 6 or 7 of this Article apply) arising out of acts or omissions of members or employees of the United States armed forces done in the performance of official duty, or out of any other act, omission or occurrence for which the United States armed forces are legally responsible, and causing damage in Japan to third parties, other than the Government of Japan, shall be dealt with by Japan in accordance with the following provisions:

 (a) 請求は,日本国の自衛隊の行動から生ずる請求権に関する日本国の法令に従つて,提起し,審査し,かつ,解決し,又は裁判する。
 (b) 日本国は,前記のいかなる請求をも解決することができるものとし,合意され,又は裁判により決定された額の支払を日本円で行なう。
 (c) 前記の支払(合意による解決に従つてされたものであると日本国の権限のある裁判所による裁判に従つてされたものであるとを問わない。)又は支払を認めない旨の日本国の権限のある裁判所による確定した裁判は,両当事国に対し拘束力を有する最終的のものとする。
 (d) 日本国が支払をした各請求は,その明細並びに(e)(i)及び  (ii)の規定による分担案とともに,合衆国の当局に通知しなければならない。二箇月以内に回答がなかつたときは,その分担案は,受諾されたものとみなす。
 (e) (a)から(d)まで及び2の規定に従い請求を満たすために要した費用は,両当事国が次のとおり分担する。
(a) Claims shall be filed considered and settled or adjudicated in accordance with the laws and regulations of Japan with respect to claims arising from the activities of its Self-Defense Forces.
(b) Japan may settle any such claims, and payment of the amount agreed upon or determined by adjudication shall be made by Japan in yen.
(c) Such payment, whether made pursuant to a settlement or to adjudication of the case by a competent tribunal of Japan, or the final adjudication by such a tribunal denying payment, shall be binding and conclusive upon the Parties.
(d) Every claim paid by Japan shall be communicated to the appropriate United States authorities together with full paticulars and a proposed distribution in conformity with subparagraphs (e) (i ) and (ii) below. In default of a reply within two months, the proposed distribution shall be regarded as accepted.
(e) The cost incurred in satisfying claims pursuant to the preceding subparagraphs and paragraph 2 of this Article shall be distributed between the Parties as follows:

  (i) 合衆国のみが責任を有する場合には,裁定され,合意され,又は裁判により決定された額は,その二十五パーセントを日本国がその七十五パーセントを合衆国が分担する。
  (ii) 日本国及び合衆国が損害について責任を有する場合には,裁定され,合意され,又は裁判により決定された額は,両当事国が均等に分担する。損害が日本国又は合衆国の防衛隊によつて生じ,かつ,その損害をこれらの防衛隊のいずれか一方又は双方の責任として特定することができない場合には,裁定され,合意され,又は裁判により決定された額は,日本国及び合衆国が均等に分担する。
  (iii) 比率に基づく分担案が受諾された各事件について日本国が六箇月の期間内に支払つた額の明細書は,支払要請書とともに,六箇月ごとに合衆国の当局に送付する。その支払は,できる限りすみやかに日本円で行なわなければならない。
(i) Where the United States alone is responsible, the amount awarded or adjudged shall be distributed in the proportion of 25 percent chargeable to Japan and 75 percent chargeable to the United States.
(ii) Where Japan and the United States are responsible for the damage, the amount awarded or adjudged shall be distributed equally between them. Where the damage was caused by the defense services of Japan or the United States and it is not possible to attribute it specifically to one or both of those defense services, the amount awarded or adjudged shall be distributed equally between Japan and the United States.
(iii)Every half-year, a statement of the sums paid by Japan in the course of the half-yearly period in respect of every case regarding which the proposed distribution on a percentage basis has been accepted, shall be sent to the appropriate United States authorities, together with a request for reimbursement. Such reimbursement shall be made, in yen, within the shortest possible time.

 (f) 合衆国軍隊の構成員又は被用者(日本の国籍のみを有する被用者を除く。)は,その公務の執行から生ずる事項については,日本国においてその者に対して与えられた判決の執行手続に服さない。
(f) Members or employees of the United States armed forces, excluding those employees who have only Japanese nationality, shall not be subject to any proceedings for the enforcement of any judgment given against them in Japan in a matter arising from the performance of their official duties.

 (g) この頃の規定は,(e)の規定が2に定める請求権に適用される範囲を除くほか,船舶の航行若しくは運用又は貨物の船積み,運送若しくは陸揚げから生じ,又はそれらに関連して生ずる請求権には適用しない。ただし,4の規定の適用を受けない死亡又は負傷に対する請求権については,この限りでない。
(g) Except in so far as subparagraph (e) of this paragraph applies to claims covered by paragraph 2 of this Article, the provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to any claim arising out of or in connection with the navigation or operation of a ship or the loading, carriage, or discharge of a cargo, other than claims for death or personal injury to which paragraph 4 of this Article does not apply.

6 日本国内における不法の作為又は不作為で公務執行中に行なわれたものでないものから生ずる合衆国軍隊の構成員又は被用者(日本国民である被用者又は通常日本国に居住する被用者を除く。)に対する請求権は,次の方法で処理する。
 (a) 日本国の当局は,当該事件に関するすべての事情(損害を受けた者の行動を含む。)を考慮して,公平かつ公正に請求を審査し,及び請求人に対する補償金を査定し,並びにその事件に関する報告書を作成する。
 (b) その報告書は,合衆国の当局に交付するものとし,合衆国の当局は,遅滞なく,慰謝料の支払を申し出るかどうかを決定し,かつ,申し出る場合には,その額を決定する。
 (c) 慰謝料の支払の申出があつた場合において,請求人がその請求を完全に満たすものとしてこれを受諾したときは,合衆国の当局は,みずから支払をしなければならず,かつ,その決定及び支払つた額を日本国の当局に通知する。
 (d) この項の規定は,支払が請求を完全に満たすものとして行なわれたものでない限り,合衆国軍隊の構成員又は被用者に対する訴えを受理する日本国の裁判所の裁判権に影響を及ぼすものではない。
6. Claims against members or employees of the United States armed forces (except employees who are nationals of or ordinarily resident in Japan) arising out of tortious acts or omissions in Japan not done in the performance of official duty shall be dealt with in the following manner:
(a) The authorities of Japan shall consider the claim and assess compensation to the claimant in a fair and just manner, taking into account all the circumstances of the case, including the conduct of the injured person, and shall prepare a report on the matter.
(b) The report shall be delivered to the appropriate United States authorities, who shall then decide without delay whether they will offer an ex gratia payment, and if so, of what amount.
(c) If an offer of ex gratia payment is made, and accepted by the claimant in full satisfaction of his claim, the United States authorities shall make the payment themselves and inform the authorities of Japan of their decision and of the sum paid.
(d) Nothing in this paragraph shall affect the jurisdiction of the courts of Japan to entertain an action against a member or an employee of the United States armed forces unless and until there has been payment in full satisfaction of the claim.

7 合衆国軍隊の車両の許容されていない使用から生ずる請求権は,合衆国軍隊が法律上責任を有する場合を除くほか,6の規定に従つて処理する。
7. Claims arising out of the unauthorized use of any vehicle of the United States armed forces shall be dealt with in accordance with paragraph 6 of this Article, except in so far as the United States armed forces are legally responsible.

8 合衆国軍隊の構成員又,被用者の不法の作為又は不作為が公務執行中にされたものであるかどうか,また,合衆国軍隊の車両の使用が許容されていたものであるかどうかについて紛争が生じたときは,その問題は,2(b)の規定に従つて選任された仲裁人に付託するものとし,この点に関する仲裁人の裁定は,最終的のものとする。
8. If a dispute arises as to whether a tortious act or omission of a member or an employee of the United States armed forces was done in the performance of official duty or as to whether the use of any vehicle of the United States armed forces was unauthorized, the question shall be submitted to an arbitrator appointed in accordance with paragraph 2 (b) of the Article, whose decision on this point shall be final and conclusive.

9 (a) 合衆国は,日本国の裁判所の民事裁判権に関しては,5(f)に定める範囲を除くほか,合衆国軍隊の構成員又は被用者に対する日本国の裁判所の裁判権からの免除を請求してはならない。
 (b) 合衆国軍隊が使用している施設及び区域内に日本国の法律に基づき強制執行を行なうべき私有の動産(合衆国軍隊が使用している動産を除く。)があるときは,合衆国の当局は,日本国の裁判所の要請に基づき,その財産を差し押えて日本国の当局に引き渡さなければならない。
 (c) 日本国及び合衆国の当局は,この条の規定に基づく請求の公平な審理及び処理のための証拠の入手について協力するものとする。
9.(a) The United States shall not claim immunity from the jurisdiction of the courts of Japan for members or employees of the United States armed forces in respect of the civil jurisdiction of the courts of Japan except to the extent provided in paragraph 5 (f) of this Article.
(b) In case any private movable property, excluding that in use by the United States armed forces, which is subject to compulsory execution under Japanese law, is within the facilities and areas in use by the United States armed forces, the United States authorities shall, upon the request of Japanese courts, possess and turn over such property to the Japanese authorities.
(c) The authorities of Japan and the United States shall cooperate in the procurement of evidence for a fair hearing and disposal of claims under this Article.

10 合衆国軍隊による又は合衆国軍隊のための資材,需品,備品,役務及び労務の調達に関する契約から生ずる紛争でその契約の当事者によつて解決されないものは,調停のため合同委員会に付託することができる。ただし,この項の規定は,契約の当事者が有することのある民事の訴えを提起する権利を害するものではない。
10. Disputes arising out of contracts concerning the procurement of materials, supplies, equipment, services, and labor by or for the United States armed forces, which are not resolved by the parties to the contract concerned, may be submitted to the Joint Committee for conciliation, provided that the provisions of this paragraph shall not prejudice any right which the parties to the contract may have to file a civil suit.

11 この条にいう「防衛隊」とは,日本国についてはその自衛隊をいい,合衆国についてはその軍隊をいうものと了解される。
11. The term "defense services" used in this Article is understood to mean for Japan its Self-Defense Forces and the United States its armed forces.

12 2及び5の規定は,非戦闘行為に伴つて生じた請求権についてのみ適用する。
12. Paragraphs 2 and 5 of this Article shall apply only to claims arising incident to non-combat activities.

13 この条の規定は,この協定の効力発生前に生じた請求権には適用しない。それらの請求権は,日本国とアメリカ合衆国との間の安全保障条約第三条に基く行政協定第十八条の規定によつて処理する。
13. The provisions of this Article shall not apply to any claims which arose before the entry into force of this Agreement. Such claims shall be dealt with by the provisions of Article 18 of the Administrative Agreement under Article 3 of the Security Treaty between Japan and the United States of America.

Article 191 合衆国軍隊の構成員及び軍属並びにそれらの家族は,日本国政府の外国為替管理に服さなければならない。
1. Members of the United States armed forces, the civilian component, and their dependents, shall be subject to the foreign exchange controls of the Government of Japan.

2 1の規定は,合衆国ドル若しくはドル証券で,合衆国の公金であるもの,合衆国軍隊の構成員及び軍属がこの協定に関連して勤務し,若しくは雇用された結果取得したもの又はこれらの者及びそれらの家族が日本国外の源泉から取得したものの日本国内又は日本国外への移転を妨げるものと解してはならない。
2. The preceding paragraph shall not be construed to preclude the transmission into or outside of Japan of United States dollars or dollar instruments representing the official funds of the United States or realized as a result of service or employment in connection with this Agreement by members of the United States armed forces and the civilian component, or realized by such persons and their dependents from sources outside of Japan.

3 合衆国の当局は,2に定める特権の濫用又は日本国の外国為替管理の回避を防止するため適当な措置を執らなければならない。
3. The United States authorities shall take suitable mesures to preclude the abuse of the privileges stipulated in the preceding paragraph or circumvention of the Japanese foreign exchange controls.

Article 20

1(a) ドルをもつて表示される合衆国軍票は,合衆国によつて認可された者が,合衆国軍隊の使用している施設及び区域内における相互間の取引のため使用することができる。合衆国政府は,合衆国の規則が許す場合を除くほか,認可された者が軍票を用いる取引に従事することを禁止するよう適当な措置を執るものとする。日本国政府は,認可されない者が軍票を用いる取引に従事することを禁止するため必要な措置を執るものとし,また,合衆国の当局の援助を得て,軍票の偽造又は偽造軍票の使用に関与する者で日本国の当局の裁判権に服すべきものを逮捕し,及び処罰するものとする。
1.(a) United States military payment certificates denominated in dollars may be used by persons authorized by the United States for internal transactions within the facilities and areas in use by the United States armed forces. The Government of the United States will take appropriate action to insure that authorized personnel are prohibited from engaging in transactions involving military payment certificates except as authorized by United States regulations. The Government of Japan will take necessary action to prohibit unauthorized persons from engaging in transactions involving military payment certificates and with the aid of United States authorities will undertake to apprehend and punish any person or persons under its jurisdiction involved in the counterfeiting or uttering of counterfeit military payment certificates.

(b) It is agreed that the United States authorities will apprehend and punish members of the United States armed forces, the civilian component, or their dependents, who tender military payment certificates to unauthorized persons and that no obligation will be due to such unauthorized persons or to the Government of Japan or its agencies from the United States or any of its agencies as a result of any unauthorized use of military payment certificates within Japan.

2 軍票の管理を行なうため,合衆国は,その監督の下に,合衆国が軍票の使用を認可した者の用に供する施設を維持し,及び運営する一定のアメリカの金融機関を指定することができる。軍用銀行施設を維持することを認められた金融機関は,その施設を当該機関の日本国における商業金融業務から場所的に分離して設置し,及び維持するものとし,これに,この施設を維持し,かつ,運営することを唯一の任務とする職員を置く。この施設は,合衆国通貨による銀行勘定を維持し,かつ,この勘定に関するすべての金融取引(第十九条2に定める範囲内における資金の受領及び送付を含む。)を行なうことを許される。
2. In order to exercise control of military payment certificates the United States may designate certain American financial institutions to maintain and operate, under United States supervision, facilities for the use of persons authorized by the United States to use military payment certificates. Institutions authorized to maintain military banking facilities will establish and maintain such facilities physically separated from their Japanese commercial banking business, with personnel whose sole duty is to maintain and operate such facilities. Such facilities shall be permitted to maintain United States currency bank accounts and to perform all financial transaction in connection therewith including receipt and remission of funds to the extent provided by Article 19, paragraph 2, of this Agreement.

Article 21

The United States may establish and operate, within the facilities and areas in use by the United States armed forces, United States military post offices, for the use of members of the United States armed forces, the civilian component, and their dependents, for the transmission of mail between United States military post offices in Japan and between such military post offices and other United States post offices.

Article 22

The United States may enroll and train eligible United States citizens residing in Japan, who apply for such enrollment, in the reserve organizations of the armed forces of the United States.

Article 23

Japan and the United States will cooperate in taking such steps as may from time to time be necessary to ensure the security of the United States armed forces, the members thereof, the civilian component, their dependents, and their property. The Government of Japan agrees to seek such legislation and to take such other action as may be necessary to ensure the adequate security and protection within its territory of installations, equipment, property, records and official information of the United States, and for the punishment of offenders under the applicable laws of Japan.

Article 24

1 日本国に合衆国軍隊を維持することに伴うすべての経費は,2に規定するところにより日本国が負担すべきものを除くほか,この協定の存続期間中日本国に負担をかけないで合衆国が負担することが合意される。
1. It is agreed that the United States will bear for the duration of this Agreement without cost to Japan all expenditures incident to the maintenance of the United States armed forces in Japan except those to be borne by Japan as provided in paragraph 2.

2 日本国は,第二条及び第三条に定めるすべての施設及び区域並びに路線権(飛行場及び港における施設及び区域のように共同に使用される施設及び区域を含む。)をこの協定の存続期間中合衆国に負担をかけないで提供し,かつ,相当の場合には,施設及び区域並びに路線権の所有者及び提供者に補償を行なうことが合意される。
2. It is agreed that Japan will furnish for the duration of this Agreement without cost to the United States and make compensation where appropriate to the owners and suppliers thereof all facilities and areas and rights of way, including facilities and areas jointly used such as those at airfields and ports, as provided in Articles 2 and 3.

3 この協定に基づいて生ずる資金上の取引に適用すべき経理のため,日本国政府と合衆国政府との間に取極を行なうことが合意される。
3. It is agreed that arrangements will be effected between the Governments of Japan and the United States for accounting applicable to financial transactions arising out of this Agreement.

Article 25

1 この協定の実施に関して相互間の協議を必要とするすべての事項に関する日本国政府と合衆国政府との間の協議機関として,合同委員会を設置する。合同委員会は,特に,合衆国が相互協力及び安全保障条約の目的の遂行に当って使用するため必要とされる日本国内の施設及び区域を決定する協議機関として,任務を行なう。
1. A Joint Committee shall be established as the means for consultation between the Government of Japan and the Government of the United States on all matters requiring mutual consultation regarding the implementation of this Agreement. In particular, the Joint Committee shall serve as the means for consultation in determining the facilities and areas in Japan which are required for the use of the United States in carrying out the purposes of the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security.

2 合同委員会は,日本国政府の代表者一人及び合衆国政府の代表者一人で組織し,各代表者は,一人又は二人以上の代理及び職員団を有するものとする。合同委員会は,その手続規則を定め,並びに必要な補助機関及び事務機関を設ける。合同委員会は,日本国政府又は合衆国政府のいずれか一方の代表者の要請があるときはいつでも直ちに会合することができるように組織する。
2. The Joint Committee shall be composed of a representative of the Government of Japan and a representative of the Government of the United States, each of whom shall have one or more deputies and staff. The Joint Committee shall determine its own procedures, and arrange for such auxiliary organs and administrative services as may be required. The Joint Committee shall be so organized that it may meet immediately at any time at the request of the representative of either the Government of Japan or the Government of the United States.

3 合同委員会は,問題を解決することができないときは,適当な経路を通じて,その問題をそれぞれの政府にさらに考慮されるように移すものとする。
3. If the Joint Committee is unable to resolve any matter, it shall refer that matter to the respective Governments for further consideration through appropriate channels.

Article 26
1 この協定は,日本国及び合衆国によりそれぞれの国内法上の手続に従って承認されなければならず,その承認を通知する公文が交換されるものとする。
1 . This Agreement shall be approved by Japan and the United States in accordance with their legal procedures, and notes indicating such approval shall be exchanged.

2 この協定は,1に定める手続が完了した後,相互協力及び安全保障条約の効力発生の日に効力を生じ,千九百五十二年二月二十八日に東京で署名された日本国とアメリカ合衆国との間の安全保障条約第三条に基く行政協定(改正を含む。)は,その時に終了する。
2. After the procedure set forth in the preceding paragraph has been followed, this Agreement will enter into force on the date of coming into force of the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security, at which time the Administrative Agreement under Article 3 of the Security Treaty between Japan and the United States of America, signed at Tokyo on February 28, 1952, as amended, shall expire.

3 この協定の各当事国の政府は,この協定の規定中その実施のため予算上及び立法上の措置を必要とするものについて,必要なその措置を立法機関に求めることを約束する。
3. The Government of each Party to this Agreement undertakes to seek from its legislature necessary budgetary and legislative action with respect to provisions of this Agreement which require such action for their execution.

Article 27

Either Government may at any time request the revision of any Article of this Agreement, in which case the two Governments shall enter into negotiation through appropriate channels.

Article 28

This Agreement, and agreed revisions thereof, shall remain in force while the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security remains in force unless earlier terminated by agreement between the two Governments.
In witness whereof the undersigned Plenipotentiaries have signed this Agree
Done at Washington, in duplicate, in the Japanese and English languages, both texts equally authentic, this 19th day of January, 1960.
For Japan:

For the United States of America:

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