
 Ten Fundamental Principles for a Just World Order


 1. Every Parliament should adopt a resolution prohibiting their government from going to war, like the Japanese article number nine.

(2)  すべての国家は、国際司法裁判所の強制管轄権を無条件に認めるべきである。
2. All States should - unconditionally- accept compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice.

(3)各国政府は、国 際刑事裁判所規程を批准し、対人地雷禁止条約を実施すべきである。
3. Every Government should ratify the ICC and implement the Landmines Treaty.

4. All states should integrate the New Diplomacy, which is the partnership of governments international organizations and civil society.

(5) 世界は人道的な危機の傍観者でいることはできない。
5. The world cannot be by standers to humanitarian crises; every creative diplomatic means possible must be exhausted before resorting to force, then under United Nations authority.

(6) 核兵器廃絶条約の締結をめざす交渉がただちに
6. Negotiations for a Convention Eliminating Nuclear Weapons should begin immediately.

7. The trade in small arms should be severely restricted.

8. Economic Rights must be taken as seriously as civil rights.

9. Peace education should be compulsory in every school in the world.

(10)「戦争防止地球行動 」の計画が平和な世界秩序の基礎になるべきである。
10. The plan for the Global Action to Prevent War should become the basis for a peaceful world order.


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